About the CiviConnect Platform


CiviConnect is an open collaborative space for change makers to interact, experiment, innovate and collaborate towards building an inclusive and open society in West Africa

The platform seeks above all to connect different actors interested in societal  challenges, whether from civil society, the media, academics or individual activists, to foster information sharing and the creation of alliances. It showcases information about campaigns and mobilisations in West Africa, facilitates collaboration and dialogue between civil society, media, and academics, foster learning and information sharing on civic space developments and trends in the region.
The platform is also looking to increase joint strategic action and advocacy efforts on issues both at national and regional level and engage influential policy actors, including  Economic Community of West African States.

Why ?

The decrease of safe public spaces for democratic debate is an infringement of citizens' rights and jeopardizes the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As threats to civic space persist across West Africa, it is critical for organizations throughout the region to rethink their strategies, especially by leveraging cooperation and collaboration tactics. Building strong partnerships, developing creative strategies,  learning from each other and increasing mutual trust via transparency and accountability while documenting their experiences are all approaches that can enable the development of key cross-country partnerships.
The platform connects change makers across the region
The platform creates common mobilisations between different stakeholders
The platform strengthens the action and collaboration capacities of various stakeholders

How does it work ?


Upon registration, users will be able to connect to other sharing similar interests, organize or join campaigns, access pooled resources

The platform operates on a user-to-user basis. Users are allowed to share content on the platform and to access content shared by other users.

User journey

Account creation

Account creation

The user creates an account on the platform and validates it through a link sent to his/her email address

Account creation

Account Validation

Account validation

The user's account is then validated by the platform moderators (for the beta version only) and assigned to the corresponding user group (Media, CSO, Accademia or Other) 


Resources submission

Resources submission

The user, once validated, is able to submit resources on the platform

Resources submission

Resources validation

Resources validation

the resources submitted by the user will be verified and validated by the moderators and made accessible on the platform

Campaign submission

Campaign submission

The user can submit a campaign on the platform

Campaign submission

Campaign validation

Campaign validation

The campaign submitted by the user will be verified and validated by the moderators and made accessible on the platform

Campaign collaboration

Campaign collaboration

Once the campaign is validated, other users can join the campaign and plan off-line activities

Campaign collaboration

CiviConnect is hosted by 

Supported by 


CiviConnect, the West Africa Online Platform for Civic Space is an open collaborative space for change makers to interact, experiment, innovate and collaborate towards building an inclusive and open society