This training series Seek to provide participants with acomprehensive understanding of civic space, advocacyskills, and effective strategies for activism in the WestAfrican context. Throughout the various sessions, ourprimary goal is to enhance the awareness of civic space bydelving into its dynamics, both globally and regionally. Weaim to navigate through the various threats and challengesthat civic space encounters, offering insights into the legalframeworks and international agreements that safeguard it.

Welcome to "Digital Advocacy, Campaign Planning, and Evaluation"training manual. In this manual, we embark on a journey to harness thepower of digital advocacy in the context of modern civic space. Our goal isto equip you with the skills and insights needed to leverage digitalplatforms effectively, plan impactful campaigns, and evaluate youradvocacy initiatives. As we delve into this dynamic realm, be prepared foran engaging exploration that empowers you to drive positive changethrough digital advocacy.

This Innovation Lab Toolkit is designed for I4C members to support the planning and implementation of Innovation Labs in their countries.
Download I4C Innovation Lab Toolkit