Call for Applications: Youth Reference Committee (Africa)

The African Union is seeking applications for the Youth Reference Committee, a public-private-youth initiative co-led by the Office of the Youth Envoy through the Austrian National Youth Council to establish a network of national and international youth champions.

Key Thematic Areas

  • Youth Entrepreneurship and Innovation
  • Youth Civic Engagement and Advocacy
  • Climate Change, Climate Resilience & Climate Justice
  • Youth in Peace, Security, Politics and Democratic Governance
  • Youth and the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AFCFTA)
  • Youth Development, Capacity Building & Bridging the Digital Skills Gender Gap for an Equal Labour Force
  • Mental health and well-being of youth at risk (War, Political Instability, Forced Migration, Harmful Practices)

Responsibilities and duties of the reference committee:

  • Demonstrate commitment to meaningful youth engagement in various development thematics, nationally and internationally.
  • Liaise with the AU Office of the Youth Envoy and partners to define the collaboration around selected thematic and policy areas.
  • Start conversations and work together with young people and relevant parties in your region and country.
  • Be willing to conduct research, create products (such as podcasts), and draft youth-centred development policy advice on key thematics.
  • Participate in dialogue on project topics between politicians and African and European youth.
  • Participate in lobbying appointments and Co-drafting a youth position paper. Participate in Co-designing a toolkit on youth engagement from an international perspective.

Selection and Eligibility Criteria

  • Proficiency in any AU language
  • Have a valid passport with at least six months
  • Be an African residing in any African country
  • Eighteen to Thirty-Five years of age at the time of application
  • Actively engaged with your local community of young people, online and offline Must be willing to amplify the project in your local community of young people Flexible and open-minded to work with diverse groups of people
  • Socially involved and interested in development issues and policy dialogue on ending inequalities
  • Young people with experience in youth engagement and affiliated with youth- led organisations, networks or movements are encouraged to apply.

For more information, visit Youth Reference Committee.

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