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Climate Resilient Programming in Education (CRPE)

Climate Resilient Programming in Education (CRPE)

The Climate Resilient Programming in Education (CRPE) tool provides education stakeholders with a practical process for making their education programming more climate resilient. The tool entails the application of four distinct but interconnected layers of analysis to the process of assessing or designing climate resilient education programming, with the goal of promoting education programming that is more comprehensive, holistic, and collaborative in identifying, preparing for, and adapting to climate threats, and recovering from climate impacts. The tool was developed to support Save the Children (SC) in transforming their ways of working to be more climate resilient and to continue achieving their goal of providing all children with safe, quality education amidst the increasingly serious global climate crisis.


Save the Children’s Submission to the Draft General Comment 26 on Environment with a Special Focus on Climate Change

Save the Children’s Submission to the Draft General Comment 26 on Environment with a Special Focus on Climate Change

Save the Children launched an internal consultation, across offices and thematic expertise, on the draft General Comment (draft GC26) on child rights and the environment with special focus on climate change.

Climate Resilience Snapshot, Middle East and Eastern Europe

Climate Resilience Snapshot, Middle East and Eastern Europe

This is a snapshot of country offices in the region that are currently engaged in climate resilience, either through a project or through components of climate integrated within their programs such as in the field of education, voice of adolescents and youth, or child rights governance, or working on climate change in their advocacy and campaigns.

Generation Hope: Responding to children’s calls to tackle the climate and inequality crisis in East and Southern Africa

Generation Hope: Responding to children’s calls to tackle the climate and inequality crisis in East and Southern Africa

The combined threat of climate emergency and inequality is eroding children’s rights in East and Southern Africa (ESA). Incidents of child marriage and school dropouts are on the rise as families struggle to cope with loss of livelihoods due to droughts, floods and storms.

Hope for Tomorrow: A compilation of essays and poems on climate justice from children and young people

Hope for Tomorrow: A compilation of essays and poems on climate justice from children and young people

The ‘Hope for Tomorrow’ booklet features a collection of essays and poems written by children and young people in Nepal that bring attention to the effects of climate change in their lives. These pieces highlight the fact that the climate crisis is not just an environmental issue,

Guaranteeing Children’s Future: How COVID-19, cost-of-living and climate crises affect children in poverty and what governments in Europe need to do

Guaranteeing Children’s Future: How COVID-19, cost-of-living and climate crises affect children in poverty and what governments in Europe need to do

No country is free of child poverty. Europe is one of the wealthiest regions of the world, yet it has alarming and increasing numbers of children and families living with poverty and social exclusion. This report presents the latest figures, information,

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