Sign your commitment to end child marriage

From the Open Letter on Child Marriage:
In order to protect our childhood, we should end child marriage. Because no one has the right to ruin our childhood. Since children are the present and future of the nation, how can you ensure the future in the middle of the four walls when a child gets married? We must fight to save children's future, not for the girls only, but for the country and the world.
So, we ask:
1. Ban any child marriage under the age of 18 in all the countries of the world.
2. Prohibit the option of girls being married off with parental consent. This puts children at high risk as in many rural communities, people respect customary leadership more than national law, and continue to marry off their children.
3. Empower girls and boys to be bold and courageous to report child marriages to the local authority. This will help so much because the children themselves are against this practice.
4. Stop the view of girls as a burden and child marriage as a solution to end poverty. Both are not true.
5. Provide more and better education for girls and keep everyone at school.
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