Assessing digital identity systems for access to financial, government services in Nigeria

In today’s rapidly evolving digital age, the importance of establishing one’s identity has become increasingly recognized as a fundamental prerequisite for social, political, economic, and cultural participation.

In Africa, where an estimated 500 million people lack legal identification, the need for robust identification systems has never been greater. To address this challenge, the Digital Identification and Finance Initiative (DigiFI) has emerged as a transformative force, aiming to leverage digital payments and identification systems to improve public service delivery, governance, and financial inclusion across the continent.

The vision of DigiFI is to generate rigorous evidence of how African governments, private companies, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) can harness the potential of digital identification and finance to improve lives. DigiFI seeks to empower Africa’s most vulnerable populations, including rural dwellers, the poor, women, children, and other marginalized groups, through accessible and inclusive digital identification systems by assisting governments and implementers in monitoring and evaluating relevant reforms.

Nigeria, the focus of the case study, provides an illustrative example of the challenges and opportunities associated with implementing digital identity systems in Africa. Nigeria, with its large population of over 221 million inhabitants as of June 2023 and diverse socio-economic landscape, has seen the evolution of identification programs over the years since 2005, marked by allegations of corruption, infrastructural limitations, and privacy concerns. However, the Nigerian government has demonstrated a renewed commitment to leveraging digital technology to streamline identification processes, address poverty, and improve service delivery in collaboration with various stakeholders.

Digital identity systems have several advantages over traditional analog systems. They offer a more robust method of identifying and verifying individuals, reducing the risk of improper or incomplete customer due diligence (CDD). According to a World Bank report, digital identity systems can significantly improve the accuracy and integrity of identification processes by utilizing advanced technology for document verification and analyzing meta-data from digital channels such as GPS location or mobile device data.

Secondly, digital identity systems align with a view of identity management as an ongoing process in which an individual’s profile is constantly updated using various data sources. This dynamic approach, known as identity proofing, ensures that identities remain accurate and up to date, allowing appropriate risk-based anti-money laundering and counter-terrorism financing controls to be applied. A digital identity system has enormous potential for addressing financial inclusion challenges. These systems can reduce costs and improve accessibility by replacing physical documents with digital verification methods, such as GPS technology for proof of address, or by automating the onboarding process. For example, India’s Aadhaar digital identity system has significantly reduced the average cost of customer verification from US$15 to $0.50, demonstrating digital identity’s transformative power in promoting financial inclusion.

Delving deeper into the Nigerian context and investigating the potential benefits and risks of digital identity systems, it becomes clear that this changing landscape necessitates a careful balance of technological advancements, regulatory frameworks, privacy concerns, and social inclusivity.

This feature story aims to shed light on Nigeria’s digital identity projects, their impact on poverty alleviation, and the implications for service delivery through an investigative journey that combines primary research interviews with stakeholders and secondary source analysis. We can glean valuable insights and lessons from the Nigerian experience that can inform the broader African context, guiding future initiatives toward more inclusive, secure, and effective digital identification systems.

In the sections that follow, this research looks at the history of digital identification in Nigeria, the government’s efforts to implement these projects, the benefits and risks that they entail, and real-life examples that demonstrate their impact on individuals and communities. The research aims to provide a comprehensive picture of the current state of digital identity systems in Africa through this investigation, while also highlighting the opportunities and challenges they present for fostering inclusive development.

Background on digital identity system in Nigeria
According to reporting by Biometric Update writer Chris Burt, the implementation of a national digital identity system in Nigeria has been a difficult journey marked by allegations of corruption, infrastructure concerns, a lack of public awareness, and sociocultural constraints. Previous contracts with local and foreign companies, such as Chams PLC, Sagem, and MasterCard, encountered a variety of issues and failed to deliver the desired results. The journey began in 1978 with the establishment of the Department of National Civil Registration, but progress was hampered by failed contracts and corruption. Sagem, a French technology company, was embroiled in a bribery scandal and failed to deliver the contracted number of ID cards. The National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) launched the national foundational digital identity project in 2007 to unify public and private identity databases to improve government services and national security.

The NIMC aims to create an integrated ID ecosystem by collaborating with stakeholders such as MasterCard, Visa, and local banks. The e-ID card has several functions, including ECOWAS travel facilitation, social security payments, and financial transactions. A contract to produce the cards, however, was embroiled in legal wrangling, with accusations of favoritism toward foreign over local businesses. The NIMC is currently implementing the Digital Identification for Development (ID4D) project, with World Bank support, to integrate ID systems and strengthen the legal and institutional framework. The impact on citizens’ fundamental rights, including privacy, is, however, still being assessed. The lack of functional data protection legislation raises privacy and security concerns about centralized data storage.

Statistics published by NIMC show that nearly half of Nigeria’s population, or over 100 million people, lacks any form of recognized identification. The goal is to reach 85 percent of the population and 97.5 percent of adults with digital ID by the end of 2027. This highlights the critical importance of addressing the identification gap and ensuring the effective implementation of the digital identity system.

As already indicated above, Nigeria has faced numerous challenges on its path to establishing a national digital identity system, including corruption, infrastructure issues, and legal disputes. Efforts are being made to address these issues and improve the system’s implementation so that all citizens have access to a recognized form of identification. Strong data protection measures and public awareness campaigns are essential for establishing trust and reaping the full benefits of the digital identity system for all Nigerians.

Overview of the significance of digital identity systems in Nigeria
In Nigeria, digital identity systems play an important role in facilitating financial inclusion, improving service delivery, and promoting efficient governance. Attempts have been made to create a comprehensive system by connecting the National Identification Number (NIN) to various services. The National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) creates a national identity database and issues citizens and legal residents with unique NINs and General Multi-Purpose Cards (GMPC).

The NIMC aims to replace the fragmented ecosystem of multiple identification programs run by different agencies, like 9 Mobile, Access Bank, Access Solutions Limited, and others, by streamlining the identification process and providing a centralized platform for government services. This move addresses concerns about data security, duplication of efforts, and service delivery inefficiencies. The goal is to create a centralized and integrated system that provides citizens with a variety of services such as social safety nets, financial inclusion, digital payments, healthcare, education, and employment, among others. Nigeria hopes to improve governance, law enforcement, social and economic development, and citizen access to essential services by establishing a comprehensive digital identity system. The NIN’s integration with banking operations and SIM cards improves security and combats fraud. Digital identity systems are extremely important in Nigeria because they streamline identification processes, improve service delivery, and pave the way for efficient governance and inclusive development.

Impact on financial participation and access to government initiatives
According to a 2020 World Bank loan appraisal document for the Nigeria Digital Identification for Development project, the government of Nigeria’s efforts to implement digital identity projects are motivated by a desire to alleviate poverty and improve service delivery. The government intends to improve access to government initiatives and services for all citizens, particularly those in marginalized communities, by establishing a robust and inclusive digital identity system. This includes providing social benefits, making financial transactions easier, ensuring accurate voter registration, improving security, and streamlining administrative processes.

The overarching goal is to use digital identity systems as a tool for socioeconomic development, individual empowerment, and inclusive growth. According to the report (World Bank, 2020), the Nigerian government hopes to improve efficiency, reduce fraud, and ensure equitable access to essential services by centralizing and standardizing identification processes.

However, the implementation of a digital identity system in Nigeria is fraught with difficulties. These include the need for strong data protection measures, addressing privacy concerns, overcoming technical challenges, ensuring inclusivity for all segments of the population, and increasing public trust in the system.

Explanation of digital identity systems in Nigeria
In Nigeria, digital identity systems are mechanisms that allow individuals to prove and verify their identity online. To establish and authenticate an individual’s identity, these systems use unique identifiers such as biometric data and demographic information, as well as cryptographic techniques. These systems provide a digital representation of an individual’s identity by issuing a unique identification number or credential, allowing them to access various online services and activities. Digital identity systems’ core functionality revolves around securely linking individuals’ data with their unique identifiers in a centralized database. Individuals who need to prove their identity can use their unique identifier as well as additional verification factors such as passwords or biometric authentication.

According to Science Direct, these systems provide numerous advantages. They improve security by lowering the risk of identity theft and fraud via strong authentication mechanisms. They also make access to services more efficient and convenient by eliminating the need for physical identification documents. Furthermore, digital identity systems promote inclusion by allowing people who lack traditional forms of identification to access essential services and engage in economic activities. However, there are concerns about digital identity systems. Privacy is an important issue because the collection and storage of personal data can lead to misuse or unauthorized access. According to D. Eke and others, 2022 exclusions can occur when marginalized groups or individuals without access to technology face participation barriers. In the design and implementation of digital identity systems, it is critical to ensure robust security measures, protect privacy rights, and address potential exclusions.

This investigative feature story uses a content analysis approach based on both primary and secondary research to assess the effectiveness of digital identity systems in Nigeria.

Primary research findings
The content analysis approach used, including interviews with stakeholders and community members seeking digital identity services, is described.

This study’s analysis used a combination of content analysis and interviews with stakeholders and community members in Nigeria looking for digital identity services. The goal was to gather information about the challenges encountered in digital identity projects, the obstacles created, the responsible parties’ involvement, perceived changes, and recommendations for improvement.

To begin, six members of the community were chosen for interviews. Their names, contact information, and locations were reported to the investigator, and the interviews took place virtually via WhatsApp. The members of the community, who consisted of males and females, were community residents aged 25 to 40, from different areas of Nigeria, and the indigenous residents of Nigeria, including Abia State, South Nigeria, and Lagos State.  The respondents were asked questions about their experiences with digital identity projects, including challenges they encountered, concerns about data security and privacy, and their perceptions of the parties responsible. Patterns and themes are discovered by recording and analyzing the responses of community residents.

In addition, four digital identity experts were chosen for interviews to gain additional insight into the subject. Their names, contact information, and locations were provided, and the interviews took place over WhatsApp. The four experts belong to digital entities, both private and government. Some are content managers, online security personnel, and digital corporate officials; their locations are Abuja, Nigeria, south and west Nigeria, and South Akwa Ibom State. They were asked specific questions about the implementation of digital identity projects in Nigeria, the role of the government and private sectors, and suggestions for improvement. The expert’s responses were thoroughly reviewed to extract relevant information and key insights.

The content analysis method examined both community members’ and experts’ responses. This included categorizing and organizing the data systematically, identifying common themes, and analyzing the data to draw meaningful conclusions. The responses were reviewed multiple times to ensure accuracy and reliability in capturing the participants’ perspectives and experiences. Using a combination of interviews with community members and digital identity experts, this methodology aimed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the challenges, roadblocks, responsible parties, perceived changes, and recommendations related to digital identity projects in Nigeria. The analysis of the collected data allowed for an in-depth exploration of the topic and provided valuable insights for further discussion and potential improvements in the country’s implementation of digital identity systems.

Analysis of interviews with community members and digital identity system experts
The analysis of responses from community members and insights from digital identity system experts reveals several challenges encountered in digital identity projects in Nigeria, the obstacles created as a result, and the parties responsible. Network glitches and technical issues emerged as significant challenges, impeding the smooth operation of digital identity systems and creating barriers for individuals attempting to access services. The government and relevant technology service providers are responsible for addressing these issues. Another issue identified is the limited availability of equipment and registration centers, which leads to overcrowding and inconvenience during the registration process. The government is primarily responsible for ensuring adequate equipment and centers and should allocate resources and establish more accessible registration facilities.

Concerns about data security and privacy were also raised, particularly considering the involvement of Chinese entities in digital identity projects. Members of the community expressed concerns about the storage, use, and protection of their data. Addressing these concerns is a joint responsibility of the government and private entities involved in digital identity system implementation. To protect individuals’ personal information, robust data protection measures, regulatory compliance, and regular audits are required. Community members, who cited delayed responses, poor customer service, insufficient sensitization efforts, and a lack of resources, expressed dissatisfaction with the government’s management of digital identity projects. The government is responsible for addressing these issues, and it should prioritize efficient project management, improve customer service, allocate adequate resources, and conduct comprehensive awareness campaigns.

Additional challenges were identified as inefficiency and a lackadaisical attitude among project personnel responsible for implementing and managing digital identity systems. This inefficiency impedes the smooth operation of the systems and has an impact on individuals’ access to services. The relevant authorities overseeing the projects are responsible for ensuring the competence and accountability of project personnel. In addition, the combined analysis reveals perceived changes and recommendations. Community members emphasized the need for better network connectivity, additional equipment, and more registration centers when discussing infrastructure improvements. The government is responsible for infrastructure improvements, and it should invest in upgrading network infrastructure and expanding registration facilities.

Sensitization efforts were highlighted as a key recommendation, with community members and experts emphasizing the importance of comprehensive awareness campaigns to educate citizens about the benefits of digital identity systems and address misconceptions. The government should allocate resources and develop targeted awareness programs, particularly for populations with low digital literacy and limited access to information.

Expert Glory Sunday, content manager at a private sector company in South Nigeria, emphasized the importance of collaboration between the government and the private sector in improving digital identity systems. This collaboration can assist in addressing challenges, leveraging resources, and promoting innovation. Another expert, Ruth F, a cyber security official from Lagos State, shared that this might take time, but in the end, everyone goes digital and identities can be established. Ruth further emphasizes that the government and the private sector are responsible for forming alliances, sharing expertise, and investing jointly in the development and implementation of digital identity projects.

Expert Chy Ameh from Abuja, Nigeria, works in a digital registration agency and advises implementing strong encryption, secure authentication mechanisms, consent and control over personal data, regulatory compliance, and regular audits to address privacy and security concerns. Both the government and private entities involved in digital identity projects bear responsibility for data security.

Key findings and recommendations from primary research
Advantages of digital identity systems:  In Nigeria, digital identity systems provide various benefits, including improved access to government financial programs, increased service delivery efficiency, increased financial inclusion, reduced fraud and corruption, and targeted service delivery.

Challenges faced:  Several challenges related to digital identity systems in Nigeria were identified by community members and experts, including network and technical issues, limited availability of equipment and registration centers, data security and privacy concerns, government inefficiencies, and inadequate infrastructure and personnel.

Concerns about data security and privacy:  The involvement of foreign entities, particularly Chinese firms, raises concerns about data security and privacy. To address these concerns, it is critical to ensure strong encryption, secure authentication, consent and control over personal data, regulatory compliance, and regular audits.

Infrastructure and connectivity:  Inadequate infrastructure, network glitches, and poor connectivity all impede the effective implementation of digital identity systems. To address these challenges, infrastructure improvements such as improved network connectivity, additional equipment, and more registration centers are required.

Awareness and education:  Citizens face significant challenges due to a lack of awareness and digital identity illiteracy. Awareness campaigns and educational programs can assist in breaking down these barriers and increasing understanding and adoption of digital identity systems.

Collaboration between the government and the private sector:  The experts emphasize the importance of collaboration between the government and the private sector in improving digital identity systems. This collaboration can aid in the improvement of accessibility, the design of user-centric systems, the promotion of interoperability, the establishment of continuous evaluation and feedback mechanisms, and the leveraging of resources and expertise.

Based on the findings from both the community members and the digital identity system experts, the following recommendations can be made to enhance the digital identity system in Nigeria:

Increase awareness:  Run extensive public awareness campaigns in urban and rural areas to educate citizens about digital identity systems’ benefits and address misconceptions and concerns.

Simplify the registration process:  Make the registration process more user-friendly by reducing documentation requirements and making registration easier for people with varying levels of technological literacy.

Improve infrastructure:  Invest in infrastructure improvements, such as network connectivity and equipment availability, to address network glitches, technical issues, and overcrowding at registration centers.

Strengthen data security:  To ensure the privacy and security of individual personal information, implement robust data protection measures such as strong encryption, secure authentication, consent and control over personal data, compliance with regulations, and regular audits.

Collaboration between the public and private sectors:  Encourage collaboration between the public and private sectors to leverage resources, expertise, and stakeholder engagement. This collaboration can help with the development, implementation, and promotion of digital identity systems, such as infrastructure upgrades, public awareness campaigns, and capacity-building initiatives.

Secondary Research Findings
Digital identity systems have received a lot of attention in recent years because of their potential to impact various aspects of development, such as financial inclusion and access to government services. This analysis examines findings from eight different reports and research studies to investigate the current state of digital identity systems and their implications.

The potential of digital identity systems in Africa
The research paper by Bajpai and Biberman (2021) focuses on the implementation of digital identification and ICT-driven development in Africa. The paper emphasizes the potential of comprehensive national digital identity systems to improve the efficiency and coordination of ICT-based initiatives for sustainable development. It suggests that African countries can learn from India’s Aadhaar system, which provides a universal and integrated approach to digital identity with limited resources.

The study looks at specific instances of digital identity systems in African countries. Kenya’s Huduma Namba (National Integrated Identity Management System) is cited as an ambitious initiative, while Nigeria’s eID program is cited as a successful case with multiple purposes (Bajpai & Biberman, 2021). However, issues such as a lack of robust data protection and privacy frameworks are identified, emphasizing the importance of learning from successful models such as India’s Aadhaar system.

Nigeria’s Strategic Roadmap for Digital Identification
According to the NIMC Report 2017, the strategic roadmap for developing digital identification developed by the Nigerian government emphasizes the importance of identification systems for effective service delivery, economic development, and social progress (Nigerian Government Report, 2017). The roadmap proposes a modified approach that makes use of existing institutions, capacities, and systems to create a low-cost, rapid-fire digital identification program. It aims to provide every person in the country with a unique identity within 3-5 years.

Rights and privacy concerns
The use of a Digital ID Evaluation Framework to assess Nigeria’s digital identity program raises concerns about potential rights violations and the administration of enrollee data (NGO Report, 2021). Addressing data privacy concerns, hastening the passage of data protection legislation, and amending the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) Act to improve accountability are among the recommendations. Within the digital identity program, these recommendations aim to protect individuals’ rights and privacy.

Best practices and policy recommendations
The report on smart-city digital ID projects emphasizes the importance of communicating the risks and trade-offs associated with such projects (NGO Report, 2021). It highlights the entanglements between the private and public sectors in New York City’s Digital ID project and suggests best practices and policy recommendations to improve the development and implementation of smart-city projects.

The World Bank’s ID4D Project in Nigeria
The World Bank’s Nigeria Digital Identification for Development (ID4D) project aims to address existing ID systems’ low coverage and challenges by developing a robust and inclusive foundational ID system (World Bank Report, 2020). The project emphasizes inclusivity, privacy protection, and individual rights while strengthening the legal and institutional framework and enabling access to services through IDs.

Financial inclusion and access to government services
The IMF report emphasizes the importance of promoting digital financial literacy and upgrading digital infrastructure in Nigeria (IMF Report, 2023). According to the report, if accompanied by supportive policies, Nigeria’s Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) could increase financial inclusion. It also highlights the importance of digital identity systems in increasing financial inclusion and access to government services.

Common principles for ID systems
According to Gelb and Metz’s analysis, common principles for ID systems are important, such as inclusion, robust design, accountable governance, and learning from best practices (Independent Research Organization, 2018). These principles can help to ensure that ID systems effectively support development goals.

Comparison of primary and secondary research findings, identifying commonalities, contradictions, and gaps in understanding
The primary research, which included interviews with community members and digital identity system experts, and the secondary research, which included government reports, NGO reports, research papers, and independent research, both provide valuable insights into Nigeria’s digital identity system. We can identify commonalities, contradictions, and gaps in understanding by comparing these two sources. Here is a summary of the findings

Importance of digital identity:  Primary and secondary research both highlight the importance of digital identity systems in Nigeria. They recognize the potential for increased access to government services, increased financial inclusion, and improved service delivery efficiency.

Challenges faced:  Both primary and secondary research point to similar difficulties in implementing digital identity systems. These difficulties include technical issues, concerns about data security and privacy, infrastructure limitations, and a general lack of awareness.

The role of the government:  Both sources acknowledge the government’s role in implementing and managing digital identity systems. They emphasize the importance of strong leadership, effective policies and regulations, sufficient resources, and collaboration with the private sector.

Stakeholder engagement:  Both primary and secondary research emphasize the importance of involving stakeholders in the design, implementation, and evaluation of digital identity systems, including community members, experts, NGOs, and the private sector.

Perception of effectiveness:  While primary research indicates that people have mixed feelings about the effectiveness of existing digital identity systems, secondary research tends to be more optimistic, highlighting success stories and positive outcomes. This contradiction suggests that the sample populations have different perspectives or are different.

Impacts on marginalized groups:  The primary research emphasizes the potential exclusion of marginalized groups from digital identity systems, such as rural communities and the economically disadvantaged. Secondary research, on the other hand, provides limited information on the specific impact on these groups, resulting in a gap in understanding.

Gaps in Understanding
Technical specifications:  In-depth technical insights into implementing digital identity systems, such as underlying technologies, system architecture, and integration with existing infrastructure, are lacking in the primary research. Secondary research provides more technical information but may need more on-the-ground experience.

Monitoring and evaluation:  Both primary and secondary research need to provide comprehensive frameworks for evaluating and monitoring digital identity systems. This chasm prevents a more in-depth understanding of these systems’ long-term impact, effectiveness, and accountability.

Stakeholder perspectives:  The primary research primarily captures the perspectives of community members and digital identity system experts, whereas the secondary research includes insights from a broader range of stakeholders. This disparity suggests that perspectives from government officials, development agencies, and technology providers should be sought.

Challenges and opportunities: Digital identity systems in Nigeria
In Nigeria, implementing digital identity systems presents both challenges and opportunities. We can identify the key aspects of these challenges and opportunities by analyzing primary and secondary research.

The technical infrastructure required to establish and maintain a robust digital identity system is a significant challenge. Limited connectivity, insufficient technological resources, and interoperability issues impede the system’s seamless integration and operation.

Concerns about data privacy and security:  Personal data collection and storage for digital identity systems raise privacy and data security concerns. It is critical to build trust and encourage adoption by protecting citizens’ sensitive information and ensuring its secure use.

Limited awareness and understanding:  There is a lack of awareness and understanding about the benefits and processes of digital identity systems among the general public, particularly in marginalized communities. This knowledge gap may stymie the widespread adoption and use of these systems.

Financial inclusion and service access:  Digital identity systems have the potential to improve financial inclusion by providing individuals with a recognized digital identity that allows them to access banking and financial services more easily. It can also improve access to various government services such as healthcare, education, and social welfare, ensuring that those in need are served efficiently.

Corruption and fraud reduction:  Putting in place digital identity systems can help reduce corruption and fraud in public and private transactions. Identity theft, impersonation, and other fraudulent activities are made more difficult by digitally verifying identities.

Marginalized community empowerment:  By providing marginalized communities with a formal identity recognized by the government and financial institutions, digital identity systems can empower them. This acknowledgment enables them to participate more actively in economic, social, and political spheres, thereby reducing existing inequalities.

Service delivery and efficiency improvements: Digital identity systems can help government agencies and private organizations improve service delivery and operational efficiency by streamlining administrative processes, eliminating paperwork, and reducing bureaucracy.

This feature story assesses the world of digital identity systems in Nigeria, drawing insights from both primary and secondary research. This research found several challenges, opportunities, policy implications, and recommendations for improving Nigeria’s digital identity system through interviews with community members and digital identity experts, as well as an analysis of government reports, NGO publications, research papers, and independent studies.

The primary research revealed several challenges that the Nigerian government faced in effectively and inclusively implementing digital identity systems. Technical challenges emerged as a major impediment, with limited connectivity and interoperability issues impeding seamless integration. Concerns about privacy and data security were also evident, as citizens were concerned about the collection and storage of their personal information. Furthermore, there needs to be more public awareness and understanding of the benefits and processes of digital identity systems, particularly in marginalized communities.

Despite these obstacles, this research identified promising opportunities and benefits associated with Nigerian digital identity systems. Financial inclusion emerged as a key advantage, with digital identities enabling individuals, particularly the poor and marginalized, to gain access to banking and financial services. The system also had the potential to reduce corruption and fraud because digital verification made identity theft and impersonation more difficult. Digital identity systems were viewed as empowering marginalized communities by giving them a recognized identity and allowing them to participate in economic, social, and political spheres. Furthermore, by streamlining administrative processes and eliminating paperwork, the systems could improve service delivery and operational efficiency.

This research proposes several policy implications and recommendations for improving Nigeria’s digital identity system based on our primary and secondary research findings. To begin, there is a need to invest in strong technical infrastructure to address connectivity and interoperability issues. To address privacy concerns and ensure the secure use of personal information, data protection laws and stringent security measures should be enacted. To bridge the knowledge gap, awareness campaigns targeting marginalized communities and emphasizing the benefits and processes of digital identity systems should be launched.

In Nigeria, the implications of digital identity systems go beyond their technical aspects. They have the potential to have a significant impact on financial participation as well as access to government initiatives and services. Digital identity systems can enable individuals to engage in financial transactions and gain access to essential services such as healthcare, education, and social welfare by providing them with recognized identities. Furthermore, by reducing corruption and fraud through digital verification, a more transparent and accountable environment for financial participation and public service delivery can be created.

While this research provides useful insights, more research and collaboration are required to delve deeper into the nuances and complexities of Nigeria’s digital identity systems. Future research could look into these systems’ long-term effects, their effectiveness in reaching marginalized communities, and their role in promoting economic growth and social development.

Finally, Nigeria is at a critical juncture in terms of realizing the potential of digital identity systems. By addressing the identified challenges and maximizing the benefits, the country can pave the way for more inclusive financial participation, improved service delivery, and increased citizen empowerment. It necessitates a multifaceted approach that prioritizes technological advancements, data security, public awareness campaigns, and policy reforms. Nigeria can build a robust and inclusive digital identity system that propels the country toward a more equitable and prosperous future with concerted efforts.

This work was produced as a result of a grant provided by the Africa-China Reporting Project at the Wits Centre for Journalism at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. The opinions held are those of the author(s).

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