Togo Launches Nana Tech Program to Empower Women in Digital Economy

Togo's Minister of Digital Economy and Digital Transformation launched the Nana Tech Program on Friday, aiming to equip young female entrepreneurs with the skills needed to thrive in the digital age.

The initiative will train participants in digital professions, enabling them to leverage new technologies to enhance their businesses and boost their performance.

"In line with the government’s ambitions, Nana Tech aims to identify and promote female talents in the fields of education and information technologies," said Kafui Ekouhoho, head of the Togo Digital Agency (ATD) and representative for Minister Cina Lawson, at the program's launch. 

The "Nana Tech" program draws inspiration from the "Nana Benz," Togolese businesswomen who dominated the textile trade in the 1970s and 80s. "Inspired by this valuable heritage, we aim to perpetuate this culture of excellence in the digital economy by promoting Nanatech," Ekouhoho added.

The program anticipates reaching 1,500 women, empowering them to become key players in Togo's digital transformation.

Support from OMCA

This year, the program is hosted entirely within the Djanta Tech hub, with the Millennium Challenge Account Togo (OMCA-Togo) support as part of its ICT promotion program funded by the MCC's Threshold program.

"The Millennium Challenge Account Togo is honored to work with the digital sector in Togo to accelerate and implement the deep reforms initiated since the beginning of the year," stated Jeanne Ngname Bougonou, Director of OMCA, at the launch of this initiative.

Currently, Nana Tech encompasses five complementary programs:

1. Nana Tech Entrepreneurs: A six-month incubation program for female entrepreneurs, providing support with digital tools.

2. Nana Tech Immersion: An intensive six-day training focused on business management and effective use of digital tools.

3. Nana Tech Ecosystem: Roundtable discussions across the country to strengthen the female entrepreneurial ecosystem.

4. Nana Tech Lab: An online training platform.

5. Nana Tech Talents: A one-month intensive program focused on developing entrepreneurial spirit and digital skills among young startups.

Ayi Renaud Dossavi 

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