FCDO: Knowledge for Development and Diplomacy (K4D2) Programme

The FCDO invites proposals to deliver its Knowledge for Development and Diplomacy (K4D2) programme, that will expand decision-makers’ access to demand-led, rapid-turnaround evidence.

The Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) is running an accountable grant competition to find a non-profit organisation (or organisations) to deliver its new Knowledge for Development and Diplomacy (K4D2) programme.

Knowledge for Development and Diplomacy (K4D2) is intended to expand development and diplomacy decision-makers’ access to demand-led, rapid-turnaround evidence. The programme will deliver three new forms of rapid evidence support, complementing existing FCDO evidence services that meet medium- and longer-term evidence needs. These new forms of evidence support are:

Rapid Evidence Reviews – written summaries of evidence – or literature reviews - which are produced within a few days or weeks, and to the best quality possible given the time constraints.
Emerging Issues Reports – evidence summaries with slightly longer turnaround times and more resources, which summarise evidence in greater depth, and are used to explore emerging trends in a more speculative and forward-looking way.
Expert Challenge Sessions – virtual or in-person sessions which bring together internal expertise with external challenge and expertise from academia, private sector and civil society, and take a cross-sectoral approach.
In addition to delivering these three forms of evidence support, K4D2 is expected to produce a range of learning products that supplement selected written evidence summaries, such as slide decks, infographics, videos, and presentations and meetings.

FCDO is looking for an academic or research organisation with the capacity and expertise to:
Establish a helpdesk service to receive and manage requests for evidence summaries from development and diplomacy decision-makers – and deliver high-quality Rapid Evidence Reviews and Emerging Issues Reports.
Support identification and prioritisation of requests for Expert Challenge Sessions – and deliver successful online and in-person learning events.
Deliver effective outreach across HMG’s development and diplomatic decision-makers to drive uptake of K4D2’s services.
Build and maintain a flexible pool of experts with expertise across the range of FCDO’s development and diplomacy priorities and
ability to respond rapidly to requests for Rapid Evidence Reviews, Emerging Issues Reports and Expert Challenge Sessions.
Effectively manage financial and administrative elements of programme delivery, including performance monitoring and reporting.
Agriculture, Climate change, Disabilities, Education, Empowerment and accountability, Environment, Girls and women, Health, Humanitarian emergencies/disasters, Innovation, Livelihoods, Peace and access to justice, Private sector/business, Research, Technology, Trade, Water and sanitation.
Funding Information

Grant Amount: More than £1,000,000
Eligibility Criteria
Eligible organisations: Non-governmental organisations (NGOs), UK-based non-profit organisations, Educational institutions, Organisations based in Low to Middle Income Countries (LMIC).


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