Feminist Opportunities Now - Call to amplify Civil Society Organisations fight against GBV

International Planned Parenthood Federation is pleased to announce the launch of FON's first call for applications from civil society organizations (CSOs), groups, and movements that are implementing projects in Africa.

Feminist Opportunities Now (FON) is an AFD-funded project that provides funds to amplify the work of civil society organisations, movements and groups fighting gender-based violence in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

The consortium partners implementing the FON project are IPPF Africa Region, Médecins du Monde, CREA, FIDH and EmpowHer.

FON also supports informal and unregistered groups of activists, networks or coalitions of organizations. They particularly encourage feminist, women- and youth-led organizations that, in their local context, may face significant obstacles in preventing and combating gender-based violence.

The Project seeks to:
Improve the sustainability of feminist organisations at the organisational and technical levels by proposing an inclusive approach to capacity building.
Support the resilience and diversity of feminist CSOs through access to sustainable, flexible and
adapted financing for small and/or informal and/or structurally excluded.
Strengthen the networking of feminist CSOs from the South, bringing them closer to networks at
national, regional, and international levels, in order to bring their voice to the public arena.
Focus Areas
The Call for expression of interest targeted:
Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR),
Fight against Gender-Based Violence (GBV),
Strengthening women’s economic power,
Access to women’s rights.
Funding Information
The awarding of grants to the feminist CSOs is organised around 3 funding windows:
Window 1 (« Boost ») - (between 5 000 € and 15 000 €) - The objective is for feminist CSOs to be able to face external events (political instability, insecurity, etc.) and/or internal unforeseen events: It can be a financial issue or the need of a financial complement, internal to the organisation (treasury issue, urgent and unexpected needs, co-funding to finalise a project/an activity or to participate in an event key in its sector, etc.). This window should also allow CSOs to apply in case of an upcoming opportunity, programmatic, advocacy or any other. Key words are therefore, emergency, flexibility and opportunity.
The small and informal CSOs, without seniority criteria, are encouraged to apply.
Window 2(« Organisational development ») - (between 10 000€ and 100 000€)- To support CSOs who want to develop themselves from an organisational, technical or even programmatic point of view. This funding window’s priority is to support feminist CSOs to ensure their sustainability, and therefore to enable them to reinforce their capacities: financial management, MEAL, capitalisation, resource mobilisation etc. They can also be supported from a technical point of view: for instance, advocacy, to conduct research and analysis on serious violations of women’s rights, to design and implement SGBV projects in humanitarian settings, etc.). This funding is also intended to CSOs that need funding to implement a new programme or need co-funding for a current or new one.
Innovation and visibility actions to support the prevention and response to GBV are encouraged.
The small and informal CSOs, without seniority criteria, are encouraged to apply.
Window 3 (« Networking») - 10 000€ to 150 000€ - All requests promoting dialogue, meetings and sharing among feminist CSOs and aiming at transformative and systemic changes will be considered:
Networks, alliances, movements of organisations or any other form of dialogue, formalised and
structured, existing or willing to exist. Priority will be given to already existing alliances and platforms.
Umbrella structure hosting several small and/or informal organisations.
CSOs sugranted under any of the 3 funding windows can also benefit from training programmes and network activities.
Eligible Countries
Africa (6): Burkina Faso, Guinea, Niger, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia and Kenya.
Latin America (2): Mexico and Colombia.
Asia (2): Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.
Eligibility Criteria
The CSOs which can apply for a sub-grant under the FON project must:
Be committed in favour of gender equality and implement actions to prevent and/or fight Gender- Based Violence.
Be based and implement actions in at least one of the 10 countries of the Project
Are particularly encouraged to apply organisations working with or led by people who, in their local context, that may face particularly high discrimination, gender inequalities and gender-based violence, such as:
Members of the LGBTI+ community and in general people with diverse sexual orientation and gender identities
People living with disabilities
People living with HIV/AIDS
Racial, ethnic or indigenous minorities (in the local context)
Internally displaced, migrant and refugee people
Sex workers
Young people
Members of any other community that in their local context face particularly high discrimination, gender inequalities and gender-based violence. iv. Conduct activities with a feminist approach.
Organisations, platforms of movements with no legal entity in their countries, due to practical or political reasons, are eligible to sub-grants.
Initiatives by individuals, or those presented by public/governmental institutions, even if they fulfil the above requirements, are not eligible to sub-grants.
CSOs working with structurally excluded communities, those created by young feminist activists and those having serious difficulties to have their actions and projects financed, will be granted particular attention when awarding the sub-grants.
Ineligibility Criteria
FON does not fund:
For-profit organizations
International organisations
United Nations agencies
Government Bodies
Academic institutions
Organisations that promote doctrines that entrench gender injustices.


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