Geo for Good Impact Awards

Are you working on an environmental project using Google’s mapping tools? Apply now and stand a chance to win a Geo for Good Impact Award!

  • Carbon Mitigation: Project focuses on reduction or avoidance of CO2e
  • Climate Adaptation: Project is helping people adapt to the impacts of climate change
  • Protection & Conservation: Project is about land- and ocean-based interventions to conserve biodiversity and ecosystems, at scales from global to local communities and Indigenous peoples.
  • Each Geo for Good Impact Awardee will receive the following to recognize their achievement:
    • Digital Award Certificate
    • Public mention on select Google Earth channels (e.g. Website/Youtube/Twitter)
    • Digital Badge
Eligibility Criteria
  • To be eligible for a Geo for Good Impact Award, your project must:
    • Be completed or on-going and have produced tangible impacts
    • Focus on Carbon Mitigation, Climate Adaptation or Nature Conservation themes
    • Use at least 1 Google mapping tool (Google Earth, Google Earth Engine, My Maps, Maps Platform API)
  • Individuals can nominate a project on their organization’s behalf if:
    • Individual is employed by organization or Individual has secured explicit permissions to nominate the organization
    • Organization is a legally registered entity (doesn’t matter if it is a non-profit, commercial or government entity)
    • Organization is not located or carrying out activities in US Sanctioned and Embargoed Countries (Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Sudan, and Crimea)

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