Kellogg-Morgan Stanley Sustainable Investing Challenge 2022

Deadline Date: 15-Jan-2023

Applications are now open for the Kellogg-Morgan Stanley Sustainable Investing Challenge 2022 under the theme of Design a Creative Financial Solution for an Urgent Social or Environmental Problem. The Kellogg-Morgan Stanley Sustainable Investing Challenge harnesses the power of capital markets and student creativity to create positive impact in a world of perpetual resource scarcity and continued population growth.

A pitch competition for graduate students, the Challenge focuses on developing institutional-quality investment vehicles that seek positive environmental or social impact and competitive financial returns.

The Kellogg-Morgan Stanley Sustainable Investing Challenge seeks to identify the next generation of sustainable finance practitioners, connect emerging leaders with industry professionals and foster even greater emphasis on sustainability at graduate schools around the world. The Challenge has engaged over 2,500 students from more than 100 global academic institutions. Top ideas have included working capital loans to help beekeepers scale operations and expand practices that drive biodiversity conservation, an exchange-traded fund to help improve the economic integration of refugees, and a loan fund to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by increasing organic farming, among many others.

  • $10,000: Prize for First Place Team
  • $5,000: Prize for Runner-Up Team
  • Milken Institute Global Conference: Opportunity for First Place Team to present at the Milken Institute Global Conference with paid registration ($12,500 value per person).
  • Networking Opportunities: Chance to network with and get feedback from leading financial professionals
Eligibility Criteria
  • Contestants must propose and defend a strategy that uses finance and investment tools to address an environmental or social challenge. The competition is an opportunity to apply core financial principles to target economic, social and environmental challenges through sustainable investing.
  • Pitches might focus on areas like water, energy, food, social mobility, climate change, plastic waste, education or health care, among others. Contestants are encouraged to apply the entire spectrum of investment tools, styles and asset classes.
  • you do not need to request a mentor to enter the competition. Mentors are an optional resource for you to use if you think you would benefit from one.
  • only students currently enrolled in a graduate degree program are eligible to participate in this competition. All students on a team must be graduate students.
  • each student may only belong to one team, and each team may only submit one entry.
  • students from different universities and programs can work together on a team.
  • There is no limitation to the number of teams from one school who can participate in the Challenge.
  • you cannot have more than 4 individuals on a team.

For more information, visit Kellogg-Morgan Stanley.

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