Pathways Communication Grants Program 2023

The Pathways Communication Grants Program seeks to ensure that scientific contributions supporting the development of pathways for sustainability reach relevant audiences beyond the scientific community. To promote wider uptake and understanding of pathways for sustainability, the grant supports the dissemination of scientific findings of place-based research projects via innovative formats and practices.

Scope of Proposals

  • Proposals must be based on completed outcomes of inter-/transdisciplinary place-based research projects that advance the understanding of at least one of the following three aspects of pathways for sustainability:
    • How to navigate competing development agendas and claims on resources in order to foster transformative change in complex human-environment systems,
    • How transformations can be mobilized through processes of knowledge co-production in order to enable expansion of integrated pathways to sustainability in a specific context,
    • How pathways and processes of transformation, which are highly context specific, interact across locations and scales with other processes of transformation to produce knock-on tensions and/or synergies.
    • Research outcomes must contribute to the development of pathways for sustainability in practice. They must not be limited to disseminating knowledge on the state of the problem.

Supported Communication Products

  • The grant supports partial and/or full costs of developing a communication product.
  • Supported communication products include but are not limited to: printed or digital publications (policy briefs, factsheets, brochures, white papers, short reports, etc.), videos, audios, digital interactive learning tools, and data visualisations.
  • Products not supported: website design and maintenance, scientific posters, publications in scientific journals and books.
  • The supported communication products must be based on completed research outcomes or synthesis, and be ready to be turned into a communication piece. Communications products in any language relevant to the target audience (aligned with the needs of the target audience) ​​can be supported. Proposals and all supplementary application materials, however, must be submitted in English.
  • The communication products should be launched and publicly available within 8 months from the date of the funding transfer.
  • Please note that the grant does not make any retrospective awards for communication products already published.
Funding Information
  • Funding amount for each project in 2023: 2,500 € to 10,000 €
  • Estimated number of awards per call: 3-10
  • The total funding available in 2023 is 60,000 €

Priority Groups: One third of the funding will be allocated to support proposals led by researchers from and working in low and middle income countries. Another third will be allocated to support proposals led by early career researchers, as another priority group. Early career researchers are defined here as PhD students or researchers who have received their PhD within the last ten years.

Beneficiary: The Beneficiary is the public or non-for-profit legal entity receiving funding for a Project selected as a result of the Pathways Communication Grant Call for Proposals.

Eligibility Criteria
  • Researchers, including PhD students, who are affiliated with universities and/or research institutions are invited to submit proposals for communication products that aim to disseminate scientific outcomes developed within inter- and/or transdisciplinary place-based research projects on pathways for sustainability, and are addressed to the broader public.

For more information, visit Pathways Communication Grants.

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