Women In Africa announces Women for Zero Hunger Program

Launched in 2016, Women In Africa (WIA) is the first international platform dedicated to the economic development and support of African women entrepreneurs. At WIA, they are convinced that Pan-African women contribute greatly, through their actions, to the change and impact they bring to the continent’s progress.


“Women for Zero Hunger” will enable 3 non-profit organizations:

  • to be visible: to inspire, to be recognized and to have more impact;
  • to be mentored: to benefit from expert advice and personalized support;
  • to be funded: each of the 3 associative structures will receive €5,000. At the end of the mentoring program, one of the three finalist structures will be chosen by the jury members on the basis of pre-established criteria and will receive an additional €5,000 in financial support. In addition, the representative will be invited to the annual Stop Hunger event in Paris to receive a trophy and benefit from a crowdfunding operation during the event.
Prize Details
  • Each of the 3 non-profit organizations will receive €5,000. At the end of the mentoring period, one of the three finalist associations will be chosen by the jury members on the basis of pre-established criteria and will receive an additional €5,000 in financial support.
  • In addition, the representative will be invited to the annual Stop Hunger evening in Paris to receive a trophy and benefit from a crowdfunding operation during the event.
  • The 3 selected associations will take part in a 6-month-personalised-mentoring program run by Stop Hunger and Women In Africa.
Eligibility Criteria
  • The program is accessible to existing associations for at least 3 years
  • The association must be African or represented in an African country
  • The association must work in one to several African Anglophone and/or Francophone countries
Selection Criteria
  • Number of beneficiaries of the association
  • Quality of the “solution”
  • Scalability of the “solution”
  • Beneficiaries: the solution must primarily benefit women or girls

Note! The association can be managed by either a man or a woman.

For more information, visit Women In Africa.

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