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Guidebook on Alternative Funding Models for Civil Society Organizations in Africa

Guidebook on Alternative Funding Models for Civil Society Organizations in Africa

About The Guidebook

This guidebook is an outcome from a Shared Learning Convening on Alternative Funding Models for Civil Society organised by the West Africa Civil Society Institute (WACSI) and Innovation for Change (I4C) – Africa. The convening attracted 25 civil society actors and organizations from Africa, Latin America and Europe to share strategies, models, experiences and lessons learnt from

I4C Network Journey: Collaborative Innovation to Strengthen Civic Space

I4C Network Journey: Collaborative Innovation to Strengthen Civic Space

When I4C was conceptualised, 6 co-design workshops took place in 4 months. The outcomes led to the creation of our various regional hubs and respective work areas. What followed was 5 years of intense and targeted interventions to strengthen civic space in different contexts across the global south. Our activities, methodologies and lessons are captured in I4C’s first-ever report.Download COLLABORATIVE-INNOVATION-REPORT



Guidebook on Alternative Funding Models for Civil Society Organizations in Africa

Guidebook on Alternative Funding Models for Civil Society Organizations in Africa

About The Guidebook

This guidebook is an outcome from a Shared Learning Convening on Alternative Funding Models for Civil Society organised by the West Africa Civil Society Institute (WACSI) and Innovation for Change (I4C) – Africa. The convening attracted 25 civil society actors and organizations from Africa, Latin America and Europe to share strategies, models, experiences and lessons learnt from

The Role of Civil Society Organizations in Supporting Fiscal Transparency in African Countries

The Role of Civil Society Organizations in Supporting Fiscal Transparency in African Countries

Civil society organizations (CSOs) can play an important role in enhancing transparency and good governance in developing countries by contributing to increased public debate on issues surrounding the formulation and implementation of government budgets as well as in supporting greater transparency of public revenues.

Elements of a Planetary Emergency: Environment of Peace (Part 1)

Elements of a Planetary Emergency: Environment of Peace (Part 1)

-SIPRI’s Environment of Peace initiative focuses on managing the risks that are created by two interwoven crises: the darkening security horizon and the immense pressures being placed on the natural world and the systems that support life on earth.

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CiviConnect, the West Africa Online Platform for Civic Space is an open collaborative space for change makers to interact, experiment, innovate and collaborate towards building an inclusive and open society