Advancing Children’s Rights: A guide for civil society organisations on how to engage with the African Committee of Experts on the rights and welfare of the child – Child-friendly version

In 2001, the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child started new partnerships with local organisations so that the rights and welfare of children in Africa could be better protected. Many of these organisations are very active in Africa and have learned a great deal about children’s rights, which means that they are able to make considerable efforts towards improving the lives of children.

Produced by Save the Children, this is the third edition of the guide “Advancing Children’s Rights – A Child-Friendly Guide for Civil Society Organisations”. It not only describes the African Committee of Experts on the Rights and Welfare of the Child’s (ACERWC) work, but is also designed as a resource for civil society organisations (CSOs) in promoting the rights and welfare of the child. The guide is comprised of six modules that introduce the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child, the Charter’s Committee, and resources for children to learn more about what is being done to protect the rights and welfare of children in Africa. A history of child rights in Africa as well as the role of civil society in safeguarding children’s rights and wellbeing is also provided.


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