This report summarizes the key findings of the focus group discussions conducted with the potential users of CiviConnect, the West Africa Platform for Civic Space. The discussions revealed a general understanding of the significant changes brought by digital technology in Civic Space and Civil Society Organisations’ operations in West Africa and the potential for the platform to help leverage these capabilities. Indeed, digital technologies have considerably increased access to information as well as opportunities to debate, mobilization, and engagement (…).

The findings of the discussions detailed in this document should ensure that the needs and views of potential users are included in the design of the platform. As a by-product, the consultations gave valuable insight on the core functionalities sought by users enabling CiviConnect to be a useful tool for Civil Society Organizations in West Africa. 

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CiviConnect, the West Africa Online Platform for Civic Space is an open collaborative space for change makers to interact, experiment, innovate and collaborate towards building an inclusive and open society