CiviConnect : Outreach and sustainability strategy

CiviConnect, the West Africa Online Platform for Civic Space as an open collaborative space is a solution designed to foster civic space in the region and support change makers in their efforts to build an inclusive and open society.

By providing a digital space for interaction, experimentation, innovation, and collaboration, the platform offers a powerful tool for individuals and organizations working towards positive social impact in the region. To ensure the platform's long-term success and impact, a well-defined Outreach and Sustainability Strategy is essential.

The outreach strategy is designed to popularize the platform and mobilize the target audience (whether from civil society, the media, academics, human rights defenders and activists) for input aimed at driving meaningful reforms in the civil society sector and positive social impact. This will be achieved through a combination of digital campaigning, media outreach, community building, and partnerships with relevant organizations and stakeholders. The sustainability strategy for the platform will ensure its long-term resilience, maintenance and financial viability. This will be achieved through the definition of the platform’s management model, a combination of grants, sponsorships, partnerships, as well the development of a financial model that outlines the sources of funding.
The items outlined in this strategic plan are intended to be turned into tangible action plans and to ensure the effectiveness of the outreach and sustainability strategies, regular evaluations should be conducted, and the platform will be continuously iterated and improved based on feedback from users and the results of the evaluation process.CiviConnect, the West Africa Online Platform for Civic Space represents a community of practice providing a unique and valuable opportunity to support change makers in their efforts to build an inclusive and open society in West Africa and has the potential to drive positive social impact.
However, to achieve this impact, it is essential that the platform has a well-defined outreach and sustainability strategy in place. With a well-defined outreach and sustainability strategy in place, the platform is poised for long-term success and impact, and will be a valuable resource for change makers for years to come. 

Download the full Strategy document 


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CiviConnect, the West Africa Online Platform for Civic Space is an open collaborative space for change makers to interact, experiment, innovate and collaborate towards building an inclusive and open society