
Upcoming Events

Call for Proposals: Develop a National SLCP Plan and National Methane Roadmap in Senegal

The Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) is seeking proposals to develop a National SLCP Plan and National Methane Roadmap. This project responds to a request made by Senegal’s Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development to build capacity across relevant ministries to assess and reduce short-lived climate pollutant (SLCP) emissions.

This project will support the Government of Senegal to develop a National Methane Roadmap that will serve as input to its 2025 NDC update and contribute to achieving its commitment under the Global Methane Pledge.

Online News Association: MJ Bear Fellowship Program 2023

Submissions are now open for the MJ Bear Fellowship, an one-year fellowship is designed to provide support and guidance to early-career journalists on a digital journalism project, as well as their own professional development.

Themes for projects may include audience and social engagement, product development and digital or business strategy.

The fellowship is designed for up-and-coming journalists between the ages of 23 and 30 who are just beginning to make their voices heard in the industry and who are working to expand the boundaries of digital news through ongoing creative and innovative projects. Fellows can be working inside or outside the newsroom, and they encourage freelance and independent journalists to apply.

Call for Research Proposals in Nigeria

The TY Danjuma Foundation is announcing a call for research proposals on the following:

Control and Elimination of Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDS) in Nigeria: The Experience of the TY Danjuma Foundation and,

Reducing the Prevalence of Preventable Blindness in Nigeria: The Experience of the TY Danjuma Foundation.

The Foundation will be supporting research on reducing preventable blindness in Nigeria, with a special focus on its work from inception with Care Vision support initiative (CAVSI). ProHealth International (PHI). and Noroware Osula Health Foundation (NOHF).

Call for Applications: Youth Reference Committee (Africa)

The African Union is seeking applications for the Youth Reference Committee, a public-private-youth initiative co-led by the Office of the Youth Envoy through the Austrian National Youth Council to establish a network of national and international youth champions.

Apply for the 2023 Jamlab Accelerator Programme

Are you working on something that you think could reshape media or journalism in Africa? Do you have skills you could apply to creating great new media? Do you have the energy and commitment to create something great? Apply to join the Jamlab Accelerator Programme (JAP) sub-Saharan Africa, a six-month hothouse for journalism and media innovators. The programme offers a unique opportunity to fast-track your initiative, providing you with the tools, facilities, contacts, and support necessary to convert your ideas and ambitions into a commercially viable venture or product.

Internet Society Foundation’s Research Grant Program

The Internet Society Foundation is inviting applications for the Research Grant Program to support global research collaborations that advance understanding of the Internet and its value for all.

Program Objectives
  • Promote novel methodologies that generate solutions to Internet-related challenges
  • Identify and support a diverse and collaborative group of researchers and research institutions
  • Facilitate access to intersectional research that can be applied to decision-making in government and industry
  • This program is intended for research that is applied and open, meaning the research seeks to answer a real-world question and should be openly published and made available to the scientific community at no cost. The Foundation supports research involving human or animal subjects when the project has been certified by a responsible body to be ethical and in compliance with local law. It is the responsibility of the Principal Investigator of the project to obtain these certifications.

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CiviConnect, the West Africa Online Platform for Civic Space is an open collaborative space for change makers to interact, experiment, innovate and collaborate towards building an inclusive and open society