
Upcoming Events

European Commission: Grants to Support Harmonization of Pan-African Electoral Capacities

The European Commission (EC) is offering Grants to Support the Harmonization of Pan-African Electoral Capacities. The ongoing reform of the AU, in particular at the Political Affairs Peace and Security Department (PAPS) of the AU Commission (AUC), offers an opportunity to develop cooperation mechanisms that bring together a diversity of electoral practitioners under a common set of principles and objectives. To this end, it is important to engage more systematically with the RECs that also conduct electoral observation and to promote the harmonization of their electoral practices with those of the AU. The objective is to encourage the implementation of the principle of subsidiarity that could result in a more efficient division of labour between the continental and regional levels. For this purpose a Continental Community of Electoral Practitioners should be established and strengthened to engaged with various AU organs, RECs and a variety of other electoral stakeholders (civil society, national electoral management bodies - EMBs, academia, experts, etc.) in a structured and collaborative fashion to offer a space for the exchange of knowledge and best practices, as well as for the collective analysis of lessons learned resulting from electoral operations.

Applications Open for ISTAT Foundation Grants Program 2023

The ISTAT Foundation Grants Program is actively engaged in awarding aviation-related grant funding to nongovernmental, not-for-profit organizations around the globe that advance commercial aviation. The Grants Program is administered by the Grants Committee of the ISTAT Foundation Board of Trustees.

The Grants Committee will accomplish this mission by providing funds to:

World Data Visualization Prize Now Open

Welcome to this $50,000 global creative data challenge. They supply the datasets and themes. You provide creative, intuitive data-visualizations that tell a story or reveal something interesting about the data.

The winning works will receive cash prizes, international press coverage, and the chance to have their work exhibited to world leaders at the World Government Summit in February 2023.

Women In Africa announces Women for Zero Hunger Program

Launched in 2016, Women In Africa (WIA) is the first international platform dedicated to the economic development and support of African women entrepreneurs. At WIA, they are convinced that Pan-African women contribute greatly, through their actions, to the change and impact they bring to the continent’s progress.

Nomination Open for Courage in Journalism Awards

The International Women's Media Foundation (IWMF) is inviting nominations for the Courage in Journalism Awards to honor women journalists who set themselves apart by exhibiting extraordinary bravery, persistence and resilience. Doing whatever it takes to uncover the truth, these women raise the bar for reporting under duress, or in the face of censorship.

Call for EOIs: Seeking Qualified and Engaged Regional Learning Partners

Education Out Loud (EOL) is the Global Partnership for Education’s (GPE) fund for advocacy and social accountability. EOL supports civil society to be active and influential actors in shaping education policy and implementation to meet the needs of communities, especially of marginalized people – and to ensure the right to quality education for all in line with SDG4.

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CiviConnect, the West Africa Online Platform for Civic Space is an open collaborative space for change makers to interact, experiment, innovate and collaborate towards building an inclusive and open society